reading time 5

DrupalCamp Colorado anuncia el segundo orador principal, J. Matthew Saunders

DrupalCamp Colorado anuncia el segundo orador principal, J. Matthew Saunders

Drupal Colorado has announced J. Matthew Saunders as the second keynote speaker for this year's DrupalCamp, which will be held from July 25 to 26, 2024, Thursday and Friday. Saunders will present "Thinking Outside the Synapse: Universal Design for Neurodiverse Minds" to kick off Friday's events.

Matthew, a founding member of DrupalCamp Colorado, has extensive experience managing web application projects and joined the Drupal community in 2007. Known for his expertise in various project management methodologies, he has become a sought-after speaker at Drupal events, including a previous keynote at DrupalCamp Austin. He has also been a key contributor to organizing DrupalCon Denver.